Kalo tek përmbajtja

Financimi i ri i kërkimit nxit përparimin në studimet e epidermolizës bullosa (EB).

Happy New Year to our members and supporters! As we reflect on 2024, we are thrilled to share the transformative achievements made possible by your dedication and generosity. Through our rigorous funding process, we have awarded nearly £700,000 to new research projects targeting epidermolysis bullosa (EB), bringing hope and innovation to this challenging field.

Despite a difficult year, this remarkable sum reflects the resilience and passion of our community and co-funders. These funds will support both established scientists and new researchers turning their focus to EB in alignment with our Strategjia e Kërkimit.


Involving the community in research

In December 2024, member reviewers joined a Research Reveal meeting, gaining early insights into the projects below that they helped evaluate. From attending our first Application Clinic in February 2024, to providing scores and comments for applicants in April, their involvement underscores the importance of member engagement in ensuring that funded projects address the real needs of those living with EB.

In 2025, we again provide the opportunity for DEBRA UK members with personal EB experience and applicants for our research funding to join our February Application Clinic, and collaborate on refining proposals before they are submitted. No scientific knowledge is needed to be an EB expert by experience and your reviews of submitted applications will be sought in April in addition to the reviews we receive from scientific experts. Please register your interest in providing member reviews of applications.

International impact

We are proud to announce funding for a pioneering project by Dr Mavura Prof Marinkovich (Stanford, USA) për të vendosur the first EB clinical research centre in Africa. Located at the Regional Dermatology Training Centre in Tanzania, this centre will improve care and research opportunities for EB patients across the continent.


Thank you to our community

We extend heartfelt thanks to our fundraisers and supporters as well as all the researchers and members who reviewed applications in 2024. Your dedication and expertise are instrumental in driving progress and ensuring that our research efforts address the needs of those affected by EB.

As we step into 2025, your continued support fuels our hope for a future free from the challenges of EB. Thank you for being part of this journey.